Account Custom Fields for LinkedIn Data
This guide is for users who prefer to manually create custom fields in their CRM, instead of having Fibbler automatically set them up when enabling data sync.
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Creating Custom Fields
You will need to create custom fields for LinkedIn impressions, clicks, and engagements for different intervals (90, 30, and 7 days).
Follow these steps:
- Go to Salesforce Setup and navigate to Object Manager > Account > Fields & Relationships > New.
- Select Number as the field type and configure the following details:
- Field Label: LinkedIn Clicks 30 Days
- Field Name: fibbler_linkedin_clicks_30_days
- API Name: fibbler_linkedin_clicks_30_days__c
- Data Type: Number(18, 0)
- Set the Field-Level Security to visible for the required profiles.
- Repeat the above steps for the following fields:
- LinkedIn Clicks (90, 30, 7 days)
- LinkedIn Impressions (90, 30, 7 days)
- LinkedIn Engagements (90, 30, 7 days)
Setting Field-Level Security
After creating the custom fields, go to Set Field-Level Security and ensure that the fields are visible for the necessary profiles. This ensures users with specific profiles have access to these fields.

Field Read Permission
Make sure the profiles have Read permissions for the custom fields. Navigate to the profile, go to Object Settings > Account > Field Permissions and enable read access.
API Access to Account Object
The Fibbler integration requires API access to the Account object to push LinkedIn ads data into these custom fields. Ensure that the profiles have API access to the Account object and are able to query and update it.
The endpoints used are:
- sobjects/Account: To push data into the custom fields.
- query: To retrieve the Account details (like the domain) to match with LinkedIn data.
Further Questions
If you have further questions, feel free to contact us at